Il campo internazionale YOTA nell’anno 2018 si terrà in Sud Africa dal 8 al 15 agosto nella regione centrale del Gauteng e sarà organizzato dalla SARL.
Sono invitate a partecipare le delegazioni delle associazioni appartenenti alla IARU R1 attraverso i loro rappresentanti “under 26”. L’età minima per la partecipazione è 15 anni.
Per ogni nazione sono previsti fino a 5 partecipanti e devono essere regolarmente iscritti all’ARI per l’anno 2018. Almeno uno dei partecipanti sarà maggiorenne e, tra i maggiorenni, uno sarà il team leader a cui spetteranno compiti di coordinamento del team e di controllo su eventuali minorenni presenti nel team stesso.
Al momento i costi di partecipazione (viaggio e spese personali) devono essere sostenuti direttamente dai partecipanti, ma non è esclusa la possibilità di incontrare alcune soluzioni a sostegno delle spese.
Per il viaggio, nel valutare i costi, si possono considerare come destinazione l’aeroporto O.R. Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg International Airport). Gli spostamenti da e per l’aeroporto sarà poi gestita dagli organizzatori della SARL.
Dopo la chiusura delle candidature, sulla base delle richeste ricevute, saranno scelti i componenti del team con criteri che rispondano alle richieste che hanno fatto gli organizzatori oltre a valutazioni necessarie a garantire al meglio la funzione di rappresentanza dell’associazione ARI. Questa fase sarà quanto più breve possibile e i componenti del team saranno contattati quanto prima, per permettere loro la prenotazione dei voli in tempi sufficienti ad ottenere prezzi migliori.
Ulteriori informazioni possono essere richieste tramite il modulo di contatto.
Le candidature devono pervenire compilando il modulo di seguito non oltre il 31 gennaio 2018.
Il testo ufficiale dell’attività in inglese da leggere con attenzione perché presenta dettagli e richieste importanti.
The 8th edition of Youngsters On The Air will take place in the South Africa. The South African Radio League (SARL) will be hosting this event organised by the SARL Youth Working Group and supported by a dedicated organising team.
The event will be held in the beautiful central region of Gauteng, providing participant’s access to South Africa via O.R. Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg International Airport).
This full week promises to be an unforgettable experience that includes a combination of amateur radio related activities, with an opportunity to participate in many traditional and fun African activities relating to different nationalities and cultures, foster international friendships, learn new skills, have access to a dedicated radio shack and at the end of the day have lots of fun!
The week of activities will have as a central focus the theme of “Train the Trainer” to include a variety and combination of amateur radio related activities such as:
• An Intercultural Evening (Traditional event)
• Visit to some of South Africa’s Cultural hubs and a visit to a commercial AM radio station and monitoring stations,
• A day in a game reserve experiencing African wild life such as the Big 5,
• BACAR – Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio payload design, launch, track & recovery,
• Building a dedicated kit – currently in the process of being designed,
• Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio ( RaDAR) a concept for operating an amateur radio station anywhere, anytime and even in adverse environmental conditions,
• Antique Wireless Association Museum at Innes House in Observatory,
• Software Defined Radio – learn to use the latest technology as a demonstration and training tool to promote Amateur Radio,
• Experiencing and mastering digital modes and techniques,
• Operate the special event ZS9YOTA station.
There are much more in the pipeline! It will be a great African experience for all participants which they will treasure and remember way into the future. To obtain a better understanding of such an event you are encouraged to have a look at the gallery and video clips from previous events at
It is important to note that the YOTA summer camp will be changing its programme content in the upcoming years. In addition to being an event, with cultural and amateur radio aspects, the activities will focus on creating young ambassadors for amateur radio. The purpose will be for youngsters attending the event to start organising similar events on local, national or sub-regional level when they return back to their home countries. In achieving this objective, we will be able to spread YOTA activities including amateur radio on a broader level in society.
We therefore request member societies to select motivated youngsters with an organisational and hands-on mindset. This request requires a commitment from member societies to support these youngsters when they return home after the event.
A team consist of a team leader and team members.
Team leader
– Age 18-30 years
Team member
– Age 15-25 years
– Have not been on a previous YOTA summer camp (this rule does not count for a previous organizer of a YOTA summer camp, that didn’t attend to any other YOTA summer camp)
All participants, including team leaders, should take part in the entire program.
In 2 months after the event we expect from each team:
– A report about the event which will be posted on the IARU R1/YOTA website, including photo’s/movies, this can also be used in the national magazine/website.
– Including action points which will be taken to develop the future of amateur radio; this can include a national youth program, new youth activities or sub-regional YOTA events.
When: 8 to 15 August 2018
Location: Central region of Gauteng.
Fees: €25 per participant
All other costs (accommodation, food, activities) are covered.
Travel to South Africa is the responsibility of the visiting Team.
Teams will be picked up at the airport and transported to the venue.