9A22YOTA Camp: Team Italia

9A22YOTA Camp: Team Italia

Il camp 2022, dopo essere stato più volte rimandato (vedi 9A Camp Rimandato al 2021) è finalmente pronto a partire! I team sono già stati selezionati, si tratta di quattro candidati per ogni nazione della IARU R1, vediamo il team Italia come è composto:

Team Leader: Amelia IU5LVM

Hi I’m Amelia IU5LVM. I’m 19 y.o. and I live in Tuscany. I really enjoy contest activities, SOTA activities and kit building. I do mostly SSB and CW modes. Other than being a YL I also play the guitar in a rock band, I like crocheting and I play volleyball at a competitive level. I’m so excited be this year’s team leader and I can’t wait to meet you all at the camp!

Team Member: Andrea IU1LCU

Hi I’m Andrea IU1LCU,I’m from the north-west part Italy, near Genoa City. I’m 24, and I am ham radio operetator since 2018. I love contest, specially in cw, I also interested in home made projects and antennas. I work in telecommunication company as technical specialist. I’m very glad to take part of 2022 YOTA camp. 73 & Ciao

Team Member: Hannes IN3HKZ

Hi, I’m Hannes and I’m 22, i come from Alto Adige. I’m operating as IN3HKZ since 2017. Other than ham-radio i like music and play as a disk jockey. I can’t wait to join this camp as it’s the first camp for me!

Team Member: Claudia IN3HJX

Hi, I’m Claudia and I’m from Trentino. Other than ham-radio I love cars and rally races. In my free time i like to create everything that comes to my mind. My most inspirational place is mountain. Can’t wait to join this camp!

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